Thursday, 29 September 2011

Christmas swap shop

Now, I'm not normally one to use the 'C' word before, say 21st December. But I couldn't resist signing up for this swap.
Never done one of these before and have no idea what I'm doing (does someone contact me, do I have to watch the blog every day? No idea! But seemed like it might be a bit of fun.

Oh, and I anyone can tell me how to turn my URL's (is that what they're called) into links I'd be ever so grateful!


  1. morning helen i love swaps although i haven't signed up for this one as i'm do the christmas advent swap over at hookin with laalaa
    but i did take part in the charity swap hosted by faith hope and charity and it was lots of fun. i 'm sure lakota will let you know what you need to do on her blog soon.
    as for links when you create a new post and want to add a link then i copy the web address etc that i want to use and then click on the link button in the tool bar of the create post tab and then you can add the text that you would like to show ie just the name of the person our there blog name and then you paste the url into the web address box you can then test this link to see if it is working and then press ok and yoo're done!!! i hope that all makes sense if not don't hesitate to shout and i will help if i can tracy

  2. Hi Helen,
    just a little note to say I really enjoyed your blog again, thank you !
    Shared it around as much as I knew how. So funny that I must be your least computer savvie follower - can not help with any of your questions, SORRY !
    Good luck and keep us posted !
    Kiki x
    P.S. I've forgiven you for the dreaded 'C' word...have used it myself and got away with it... x

  3. Thanks both. Will try the advice on links with my next post. It's kind of challenging trying to keep up with all this technology stuff isn't it!?
