Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Patchwork bags and an unfinished Jubilee!

It's been a long time since I last took part in Handmade Monday, but it's been a bit quiet around here this weekend so I seem to have a bit of spare time on my hands! Even my Facebook Friends seem to have disappeared. I guess everyone is just off enjoying the Jubilee celebrations and making the most of a long weekend?
I seem to have lots of unfinished projects at the moment. Most frustrating is my Jubilee bag. I made the patchwork Union Jack ages ago as part of the monthly Folksy challenge. But I made my strap the wrong width for my fitting. Rather than re-do (because i was rather please with my stitching!) I tried to order some alternative metal rings - that was 4 weeks ago, and they still haven't arrived. However, since patience isn't my strong point, I'm going to share it with you anyhow...

I seem to have a bit of a patchwork bug at the moment, because I've also made this lovely lilac and green bag.

I have another variation currently in progress, but that too isn't yet finished - I'm spotting a theme here!!!

I really must get down to some finishing-off today because I've signed up for two craft fairs over the next few weeks. One is online...

The other one is Eccleshall Street Market on Saturday 23rd June. Maybe see some of you there...???


  1. Waiting for supplies is so annoying as like you I have the patience of a gnat. Love the look of your bags and patchwork is so much fun

    1. Glad it's not just me! Drives my hubby mad that i'm not more patient!

  2. I love the patchwork union jack bag - hope it wont be too long till you get the right size fittings you need to finish the strap - but just wait it out as you have made a lovely job of this Mich x

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Mich. I had toyed with the idea of using a larger or smaller ring - but i know deep down that i won't be happy if i do!

  3. Beautiful bags, as usual Helen! I don.t think any of us are very patient when it comes to waiting for supplies!! X

  4. Your bags are really lovely Helen - great choice of fabrics and colours. The Union Jack one is really special. Hope you have a good week.

    1. thank you! Choosing the fabrics (or should i say buying them!) is the best bit

  5. those bags are gorgeous! i especially like the Union Jack one, it really is something to be proud of :)

    i am also guilty of having many unfinished projects - it just takes one little hiccup for me to put something aside to get on with something else.. they then often then get completely forgotten about, only to be rediscovered months or even years later!! x

    1. I still have my very first bag i tried to make to finish! One day....

  6. Lovely bags. I think 4 weeks for the rings to arrive is a long time and I would be impatient as well. Hope you sell lots at your craft fairs.

  7. These are lovely,especially the Union jack bag.

    1. the union jack does seem to be popular. Frustrating not to have it finished.

  8. The jubilee bag is lovely. The patchwork on both is great. Good luck with your craft fairs. Ali x

  9. Unfinished projects by the ton and now blogging is distracting me!! Add it to the list, facebook, twitter, pinterest and blogging...

    1. I know how you feel. No time for sewing these days - too much time spent promoting, buying fabric, searching for ideas, keeping up on the forums or just general procrastinating (although that might encompass the previous two!)

  10. Both are gorgeous bags - good luck with the fairs x

  11. I love the bags. I am no good at waiting for things as once I get an idea I want to see if it works.

  12. Love the mix of florals, especially on the union jack bag- pink and blue is lovely together

  13. Gorgeous bags, no doubt these will be a bestseller!

  14. LOVING the union flag bag. off to folksy to have a peek.....

  15. Both bags are lovely. Especially love the fabric you've used for the union jack.Hope the rings turn up soon to complete it. Good luck with the fairs

  16. The bags look great! So talented. Thanks for sharing

  17. Your jubilee flag bag looks lovely in those colours. Such a change from the usual red, white and blue. Hugs mrs a.

  18. Your bags are great, I love the patchwork design. Good luck with both craft fairs.

    Jan x

  19. My fastenings arrived yesterday - hurrah!!
