Monday, 10 October 2011

Guilty pleasure: Where do you keep yours?

Go on, admit it. Whether it's bags, clothes, toys or soft furnishings, anyone who enjoys sewing has a huge fabric mountain which seems to accumulate without you even noticing! Now, I'm still quite new to all this sewing lark, but even my fabric collection has out-grown it's box in the spare bedroom.

Husband was starting to notice that there was a constant fresh influx of fabric next to the laundry basket. So last week it was time to invest (in an e-bay kind of way) in new storage. So, having bought a new bookcase for my fabric I was then left with the challenge of how to arrange. Should I go for keeping similar colours together, or would they be better sorted into types and uses -decisions, decisions! Whichever - we all know they will soon outgrow their new home and need to upsize once more!

So, the storage is better - but I still have to sew on the kitchen table. Ho hum! Would love people to share their stories on where they keep their fabric -I'll be really envious of those of you who have proper workrooms like these....

Natalina's blog

and Bella Bobbin

At least now i have my improved storage space i'll have somewhere to put my Kate Spain fabrics which should be arriving any day now, too late for Handmade Monday, but hopefully i'll find time to send pictures in the week!!!


  1. Storage is always a major problem and no matter how organised I get with my paints and patterns, they always seem to spread out across the room. A new project for the quieter months at the beginning of next year is a complete revamp of my craft studio...

    Ali x

  2. I've had a fabric stash since I was about 17 and it does definitely grow without any assistance at all. Truly, it's impossible to get to the bottom of it. At the moment I don't do much sewing but am secretly hatching a plan to incorporate a sewing area into my office/spare bedroom! (shhh, don't tell the OH)

  3. I used to sew and had a whole wardrobe full of stuff in the end! Now I mostly make jewellery and you'd think storage would be easier, wouldn't you, but actually the temptation to keep on buying beads because they are 'only small' has led to a bead mountain in the house.

    We creative people need stuff to spark our ideas! That's my excuse anyway ;-)

    Alison x

  4. I don't do as much sewing as I should but when I do it's at the kitchen table, that's where I do most of my painting too. I'd love a separate room just for me and my 'bit's' but alas, that's not to be.

    Jan x

  5. I cannot show you my dining room... I cannot open the doot... Oh the shame!

  6. your storage case looks very good! Now that you have more storage you can get more fabric! (well that's how it works with me!)

  7. Gosh, Helen, I am soooo impressed !
    In contrast to these wonderful work and storage spaces, my so called 'Studio' is a messy heap of creative hoarded materials and embellishments....I do like working being surrounded by everything, all options and creative opportunities more or less on show ! Not fit for showing off with a proud photo.
    Kiki x

  8. Hi Helen
    I'm Penelope, your swap partner from Lakota's blog faith hope and charity shopping. Yay! It's going to be such a fun, it's my first swap and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm off to have a browse around your lovely blog now xox Penelope

  9. I'm returning your blog visit! Your storage looks lovely. I have earmarked a space for mine, but finding the time to sort it is another matter. My sewing table is now my lovely Singer treadle machine table.
